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Laxative folk remedies: recipes for adults and children

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Constipation is a violation of the emptying of the intestines, which arises from improper nutrition, stress, snacking "on the run."

Medications that help cope with constipation are not always effective. The constant use of tablets from constipation harms the liver and stomach.

Folk remedies are safe for the body. In addition, products and herbs with laxative effect are available, unlike medicines.

Products with laxative effect
Laxative products are useful in the refrigerator. After all, constipation can become a surprise and spoil the mood. Laxative products contain insoluble fiber. It removes digested food naturally, eliminating constipation.


Bran stimulates the intestine and makes it work. In 100 gr. bran contains 43 gr. cellulose.

Bran in a pure form, pour boiling water and insist 30-40 minutes.
Drain the water and add the bran to the porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice), salad or soup.
Laxative products

Pumpkin and millet

Pumpkin is a low-calorie product containing fiber (2 grams per 100 g of product). Pumpkin can bake, extinguish or boil.

Try to cook the porridge and add to it a boiled pumpkin. Millet porridge with pumpkin is a useful laxative. In the wheat contains 9 grams of dietary fiber (per 100 g of product). Millet porridge easily and tasty will help to cope with constipation.

Laxative products


In 100 gr. Prunes contain 8.9 grams. cellulose. It is enough to eat 3-5 berries a day and the work of the digestive tract will return to normal. To "urgently" prevent constipation, eat 10-20 berries and drink yogurt. The number of berries depends on age: for children, give no more than 10 pieces.

Product with laxative effect


Porridge whole oat flakes contains 11 grams of insoluble fiber (per 100 g of product). Due to this amount of dietary fiber, oatmeal gently cleanses the intestines.

Laxative herbs for constipation


Onion is rich in insoluble dietary fiber (1.7 g per 100 g of product). It helps the stomach to digest and digest food. With constipation, onions are useful in any form (cheese, fried, paren, etc.).

Collection of laxative herbs


Has the same laxative properties as the onion. In 100 gr. beet contains 2.7 gr. cellulose. Beetroot is useful in any form - cheese, stew, boiled.

Try to make a tasty and healthy juice from beets. You can drink it 2-4 times a day. With persistent constipation, make an enema with a decoction of beets.

Laxative for children

Juices from vegetables with pulp

These are tasty and useful laxative products for the intestines. Juices can be combined. Beetroot juice is combined with carrot juice and celery. Drink a glass 2-4 times a day.

Folk laxatives for fast action

Apples, tangerines and peaches

The amount of fiber in 100 gr. fruit:

apples - 2.4 gr;
tangerines - 1,8 gr;
peaches - 2 gr. (85% of them consist of water).
Thanks to dietary fiber, fruits stimulate the work of the intestines. Fruit juices with pulp will help to "awaken" the intestines and make it work.

Laxative products that help with constipation are indispensable for people who are not allowed to take medicines, as well as for children.

Traditional laxatives

Herbs with laxative action
Contain dietary fiber and biologically active components. Antraglycosides and essential oils reduce inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, dilute stool and remove them, clearing the intestines and eliminating spasms.

Buckthorn bark

Contains inactive anthraglycosides (8%). Therefore, the laxative effect occurs 8 hours after taking the decoction. Not suitable for frequent use, as it is addictive.

Pour 20 grams of bark 250 ml. boiling water.
Allow the broth to stand for 25 minutes and cool down.
Drink 125 ml before going to bed. broth.

The laxative effect and content of glycosides does not differ from the bark of the buckthorn. Has antibacterial action, since it contains 3% ascorbic acid.

Pour a tablespoon of fruit in a liter jar.
Pour 250 ml. boiling water.
Insist a decoction for two hours, then pass through the cheesecloth.
One tablespoon of the decoction of the zoster will help to cope with constipation. Use 3 times a day.

Laxative folk remedies for the elderly

Root of rhubarb

Contains tanoglycosides (8.7%) and anthraglycosides (4.5%). The first have an astringent property and help with diarrhea. The latter, on the contrary, are responsible for "awakening" of the intestine and help cope with constipation. To fight constipation, brew the rhubarb root.

Pour two tablespoons of chopped root into 500 ml. boiling water.
Insist for an hour.
Drink 250 ml each. decoction twice a day.
Has no contraindications for pregnant women.


Contains active glycosides, so the laxative effect occurs within the first two hours after application. "Atlas of medicinal plants of the USSR" Tsitsina confirms that the grass helps to cope with the acute form of constipation. Has a strong choleretic effect. The use is contraindicated in pregnant women. In case of liver, kidney and gallbladder diseases, apply as directed by a doctor.

A teaspoon of flax seed pour a glass of boiling water. Insist 12 hours in a thermos mug.
Drink all the infusion before bedtime with the seeds.
Do not use for long-term use.

Laxative herbs, laxative herbs and preparations containing laxative herbs are recommended after consultation with a doctor.

Laxative herb collection:

Licorice root (powder) . Stir one teaspoon of powder in warm boiled water and drink.
Collection of bark of buckthorn, licorice, fennel and anise . Prepare a decoction. Drink 60 ml. decoction twice a day.
Collection of licorice, bark of buckthorn, jester and fennel . Prepare the broth and drink 250 ml. in a day.
Collection of peppermint, chamomile, buckthorn bark, anise and fennel . Prepare a decoction. Drink 125 ml. decoction twice a day.
Laxative recipes for children
Laxatives for children should have a mild effect, so as not to spoil the infantile microflora of the intestine. People's laxative for children is safer than laxatives, which can cause complications and allergies.

Decoction of flax seeds
Breastfeeds can be made microclyster with a decoction of flaxseed. This is a folk laxative remedy. It is necessary to put an enema neatly, without traumatizing the child. Decoction or tea from flax seeds can be given to children from three years old.


3 grams of flaxseed;
100 ml. boiling water.
Cooking method:

Fill the seeds with boiling water.
We insist, stirring, 15 minutes.
Filter through gauze or sieve.
Give the child 2 ml of broth with unsweet compote or water.
Dill water
Has a mild laxative effect . Prevents constipation, reduces colic.


15 grams of fennel seeds;
300 ml. boiling water.
Cooking method:

Pour the seeds with boiling water.
Leave it for 20 minutes.
Strain through the cheesecloth.
Give the baby a day for 20 ml. Dill water.
Folk laxatives for fast action

Compote of prunes
Natural laxative. Recommended for children from 6 months. For children from 3 years this folk laxative can be consumed in its pure form, but not more than 5 berries prunes a day.


250 grams of prunes (you can add 50 grams of dried apricots, raisins, dried apples);
1 liter of boiling water;
60 grams of sugar.
Cooking method:

Wash the prunes with boiled water.
Insist the berries 3-5 minutes.
Add sugar, mix.
After boiling, cook for another 15 minutes (berries should soften). Periodically stir.
Cool the compote through the gauze and give the child. For a child of 6 months, it is recommended to give no more than 250 ml. juice or compote per day.
Laxative recipes for adults
Physical activity, proper nutrition and prevention of "malfunctions" in the work of the intestine - a means to combat constipation. But if the problem caught you suddenly, use folk remedies.

Lettuce salad
Cleans the intestines, "sweeping out" toxins and harmful substances. Salad is prepared without salt and spices. Serving for salad is lemon juice.


1 medium beet;
2 small carrots;
0.5 medium-sized fork cabbage;
1 green apple;
3 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice;
dill or parsley to taste.
Cooking method:

Raw vegetables, grate on a coarse grater. Cut the cabbage. Cut the apple into small cubes.
Stir and season with salad lemon juice.
Add finely chopped dill, or parsley - to taste.
Dry peas
"Exciting" the large intestine, improves the functioning of the intestine.

It will take 200 grams of dried peas.

Cooking method:

Pound the peas into powder.
Take 1 teaspoon per day for 5-7 days.
The folk laxative, stimulating the walls of the colon, activates the work of the intestine. The main thing that the brine was in its pure form without additives and seasonings.

You need 1 liter of pure cucumber pickle.

Mode of application:

Drink a glass of brine (250 ml.) 4 times a day.
Brine can be drunk, biting fresh, or a low-salted cucumber.
Dried fruits
Prepare puree of dried fruits. Such a laxative, cooked at home, is a dessert that the stomach will like.


500 grams of dried apricots;
500 grams of prunes;
200 grams of raisins;
200 grams of figs;
300 grams of dates;
5 tbsp. spoons of honey.
Cooking method:

All ingredients (except honey) soak in water. Pass through the meat grinder until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
Mix with honey.
Keep the mashed potatoes in the refrigerator. It can be smeared on bread, add to porridge instead of butter, eat with curds and pancakes.
Castor oil
This is a folk laxative remedy. It is recommended to use only in case of emergency.

You will need 1-3 tablespoons of castor oil.

Mode of application:

Take inside after eating or snacking.
Have a glass of boiled water.
A glass of yogurt, drunk 2 hours before sleep, normalizes the work of the intestine.

Mode of application:

Before going to bed, drink 1 cup kefir. The drink can be slightly heated.

Such folk laxatives, as a salad "Meter", peas and dried fruits are suitable for the elderly. Help to cope with constipation without breaking the intestinal microflora.

Castor oil, kefir and brine are quick folk laxatives. The use in large quantities causes an imbalance in the work of the intestine. Follow the recommendations for use.

Remember that constipation causes poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. Watch for health, do exercises and walk more often in the fresh air.

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