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» »Unlabelled » Erosion of the stomach: treatment with folk remedies

Erosion of the stomach: treatment with folk remedies

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Erosion of the stomach - a disease associated with the destruction of the epithelial layer of the organ. Erosion affects the upper shell of the organ without affecting the musculature.

Erosion formation
In the stomach contains an enzyme - pepsin, which processes and splits food. Sour stomach juice prevents the penetration and absorption of bacteria. Excess concentration of pepsin and hydrochloric acid, chronic diseases and weakening of immunity destroy the gastric mucosa. As a result, ulcers are formed.

To diagnose "erosion of the stomach" is impossible without examination of the organ and duodenum. Modern medicine offers an endoscopic method. Detection of red sores on the walls of the stomach allows to establish damage to the mucosa and the presence of inflammation.

For the first time erosion of the stomach was described in 1756 by the pathologist J. Morgani. In the 21st century, it is not difficult to detect erosion, the main thing is to eliminate it in time. Chief gastroenterologist of the country V.Ivashkin confirms -the cause of gastric bleeding and pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract is erosion of the stomach.

There are two types of disease:

acute form - erosive lesion reaches 0.2-0.4 cm. There are many wounds, they have an oval and round shape.
the chronic form - erosion reaches from 0,3-0,5 see It is located in antral department of a stomach, visually forming a chain. The disease can last 5 years or more.
Symptoms of erosion of the stomach
frequent heartburn, nausea and eructations after eating;
severe and severe pain in the stomach in the acute stage of the disease. In chronic form, pain occurs at night with frequent periodicity;
bleeding. Blood veins or clots in feces and vomiting fluid. Blood has a dark brown hue;
a violation of taste and smell.
Causes of erosion of the stomach
infection with helicobacteria Helicobacter pylori;
chronic gastritis. Unbalanced nutrition leads to increased acidity, heartburn, gas formation. The stomach is disturbed by a healthy environment - an unobstructed path to penetration of infections and bacteria;
taking medications that interfere with the stomach. Self-medication, frequent receptions of antibiotics violate the natural bacterial flora of the stomach mucosa;
fatty, spicy, salty foods in the daily diet;
frequent stressful and depressive conditions. Stress undermines the protective functions of the body, causes gastric spasms, a violation of appetite;
diseases of the vegetative-vascular system;
uncontrolled reception of alcoholic beverages. Frequent use of alcohol leads to cirrhosis of the liver, damage to the walls and mucosa of the stomach;
problems with digestion - pancreatitis;
diseases of the respiratory system. Oxygen fasting weakens the functions of the organs.
Treatment of erosion of the stomach
Professor of the Department of Gastroenterology GA Anokhin in an interview about the treatment of the stomach said: the main way to combat erosion is dietary balanced nutrition and drugs that reduce acidity. Treatment of erosion gives a positive result in a complex: medicines, a strict diet and the use of folk remedies.

Diseases GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT can not be cured without a diet. If gastric erosion is detected, fat, acidic, spicy and salty foods should be excluded from the diet. Also, refuse primary meat broths, smoked products, fried, sweet. The use of coffee, black strong tea and soda also affects the inflammatory processes of the digestive tract.

For effective treatment of the disease, everything that causes increased acidity and is poorly digested is excluded.

However, there are products that promote healing and restoration of the gastric mucosa:

low-fat sour cream and cheese;
broth of dogrose ;
a wiped vegetable soup;
River fish;
rabbit, chicken, turkey - for a couple;
porridge on low-fat milk.
Erosion of the stomach folk remedies 

Important fractional power! Eat 6 times a day, little by little, for 2 months. Try not to overheat the dishes. Hot and cold food is poorly absorbed by the stomach. Return to the usual diet is allowed with the complete disappearance of erosion.

Folk remedies and recipes
Do not give up the treatment of erosion of the stomach folk remedies. Natural components - the root of aira, propolis, honey, grapes and herbs will strengthen the protective functions of the body.

Tincture of root aira
1 teaspoon of ayr root, pour 250 ml of boiling water.
Boil for 15 minutes over a low heat.
After boiling put in a warm place, wrapped in a towel.
Drink chilled for 2 weeks for 50 g before each meal.

How to treat erosion of the stomach folk 

Propolis tincture
Propolis treatment is a safe, proven tool for centuries. Propolis destroys microbes, improves blood circulation, restores vitamin balance in the body.

Pour 15 g of propolis and 100 grams into the jar. 96% alcohol.
Put in a dark cool place for 2 weeks.
Take 50 gr. tincture, diluted in 100 gr. milk.
Erosion of the stomach folk methods

Herbal Decoction
Take 2 parts of the yarrow herb, chamomile flowers, St. John's wort, and 1 piece of celandine.
Pour the mixture 250 ml of boiling water, insist half an hour.
Eat 100 grams each. 3 times a day for 25 minutes before a meal. Before use, strain.

Folk recipes for the treatment of erosion of the stomach

Treatment of erosion of the stomach with honey is one of the effective folk methods. Honey softens and helps the mucosa to heal, antiseptic. Take a tablespoon of honey in the morning on an empty stomach. Continue treatment daily for a month.

Traditional treatment of erosion of the stomach

Sea buckthorn oil
Sea buckthorn oil is valued for wound-healing properties. Oil restores the acid-base balance in the body, strengthens the immune system and eliminates inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Eat 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day before meals.

How to cure erosion of the stomach with folk remedies 

Infusion of berries from cranberries
With a chronic course of erosion of the stomach, cowberry infusion helps. Since autumn, prepare berries cranberries, pour cold boiled water. Drink cranberry infusion throughout the winter for 60 grams. the day before meals. Water periodically top up.

Erosion of the stomach with propolis 

Tincture Chaga or infusion of birch mushroom
The birch fungus contains tannins that can heal mucous membranes. A protective film forms on the walls of the affected organ. With erosion of the stomach, the birch fungus infusion will prevent infection of the affected mucosa. Also tincture activates protective functions of the body.

Tincture of walnuts
Tincture of walnuts helps with acute form of erosion of the stomach. Take 500 gr. nuts, open them.
Pour 500 ml of vodka into the mass.
Leave in a dark place for 2 weeks.
Use in the proportion of 1 tbsp. spoon of tincture to 125 ml of water 3 times a day after meals.

Folk recipes for the treatment of erosion of the stomach

Grape has many useful properties, the main thing is the improvement of digestion. Eat grapes in a complex of treatment of erosion of the stomach for 100 grams. before meals.

Broth of bearberry
Bearberry is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Put 1 teaspoon of bearberry into the thermos bottle, pour 250 ml of boiling water.
Insist 2-3 hours.
Boil the broth on low heat for 15 minutes. Strain, cool.

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