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 Treatment of cerebral vessels - folk recipes for the head

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Sedentary lifestyle, irrational nutrition, deterioration of the ecological situation lead to the fact that children and adolescents develop cerebral vascular disease. All this is fraught with chronic ischemia, heart attack and stroke, so it is necessary to take timely measures to prevent such consequences.

Symptoms and causes of vascular disease
a folk remedy for the brain can improve a patient's condition if the disease is caused by bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse;Folk remedy for the brain
blood supply to the brain may be impaired due to poor heredity;
as already mentioned, ecology and a sedentary lifestyle are to blame;
for internal reasons include blood disease, diabetes, heart disease, spine disease, tumor development;
the causes of narrowing of the brain vessels of the head are associated with arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis. In the first case, crises and pressure jumps destroy the circulatory system, and in the second, the elasticity of the vessels decreases, which leads to the formation of cracks and blood clots - blood clots. Often, these two ailments coexist, worsening the overall picture of the disease.
Folk remedies for the treatment of cerebral vessels
Atherosclerosis negatively affects the quality of life of the patient. The person becomes forgetful, he suffers pain in the head and dizziness, because the brain feels a lack of oxygen. All this increases the risk of hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke. Rid of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques and improve cerebral circulation help medical and home procedures. There are special preparations for cleaning vessels, but extracorporeal hemocorrection is the most effective, however, not all clinics have the equipment for such a procedure, and it costs a lot.

Most of the medicines have side effects, besides, it is necessary to know with what medications they can be combined, and with which there is not, so as not to harm the patient. Therefore, many patients prefer folk treatment of the brain. And let it be longer, it is affordable and less dangerous. To date, for the treatment of vascular diseases apply:

oil;Folk treatment of the brain
Purification of the brain by means invented by the people is carried out with the help of garlic;
products of beekeeping;
decoctions and infusions of herbs with medicinal effect - hornbeam leaves, hawthorn fruits, Japanese sophora herbs;
potato juice;
of wine.
Folk recipes for the vessels of the brain
Purification of the walls of cerebral vessels of the brain by means of folk remedies involves the use of garlic-lemon mixture based on vegetable oil. To prepare it you will need:

garlic in the amount of one middle head;
a glass of unrefined vegetable oil;
lemon juice.
Stages of preparation:

Remove the garlic head from the outer shell and chop it into a gruel.
Pour oil and clean for a day in a cold place.
Take one spoonful for tea, adding the same amount of lemon juice three times during the entire waking period for half an hour before a meal. The course of therapy lasts 1.5-3 months.
Traditional treatment of vessels in the brain of the head is carried out using infusion based on:

dill seed in the amount of 1 cup;
the root of valerian in a volume of 2 tbsp. l .;
honey in the amount of 2 glasses.
Stages of preparation:

All components are mixed and placed in a thermos bottle.Vascular treatment of cerebral vessels
Pour freshly boiled water so that the total volume of the mixture is 2 liters.
Leave the infusion for a day, and then use 1 tbsp. l. for ½ hour before a meal.
To prepare tincture of Japanese Sophora you will need:

Sophora pods in the amount of 1 cup;
vodka - a bottle of 0.5 liters.
Stages of preparation:

Pour part of the plant with vodka and put it in a dark place, where a cool temperature is maintained for 3 weeks. Occasionally shake.
To be filtered and treated for 1 tbsp. l. before you sit down at the table, for 3 months.
Purifying the brain vessels of the head without a doctor's control is not possible for the following categories of persons:

pregnant and lactating women;
Persons with chronic kidney disease;
those who suffer from inflammatory processes of the digestive system.
Drugs for the vessels of the brain should be prescribed by a doctor. Of the most innocuous, which can be used without the supervision of a specialist, it is possible to isolate complexes based on vitamins and minerals that contain vitamins A, C, E, group B, as well as selenium, zinc and calcium. It is very important to follow the diet not to get involved in foods rich in cholesterol. These include eggs, lard, liver, fatty dairy and smoked products, butter , as well as fish and canned meat, semi-finished products, sauces, including mayonnaise, yeast and puff pastry.

It is better to lean on fish and seafood, veal meat and turkey, buckwheat, vegetables and fruits, low-fat cottage cheese, greens. It is very important to load your body as much as possible, without letting the muscles atrophy. At a minimum, perform exercises in the morning and go for a walk.

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