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How to withdraw alcohol from the body at home

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To sort out with alcohol is quite easy. Like everything is good at first: after communicating with loved ones you do not notice how many portions of alcohol you managed to get into the body, and the next morning you suffer from a hangover and you think why you had so much to drink. Help yourself and your body can, you just need to know what and how to take.

What is capable of removing alcohol from the body
Waking up in the morning and realizing that you need to take action, you should:

You can withdraw the products of alcohol breakdown from the body by going to the shower, but it is better to refuse to take a hot bath, as this can lead to a heart attack; Remove alcohol from the body
make tea with honey and lemon. It is better to refuse coffee. In general, this day will have to drink a lot and well, if it is not simple water, but compote, fruit juice or juice. To restore the balance of water and salts in the body, you can dilute the bag of "Region" with water and follow instructions and drink in one day;
the body now urgently needs fructose and vitamin C, so if possible try to eat more fruits, especially citrus fruits;
if you want to quickly recover, then you should wash with cool water and rub your ears well with a towel, and the whole body;
alcohol intensive physical exercise, but, as in the case of a hot bath, it is fraught with a malfunction in the function of the heart and blood vessels;
to collect "brains in a heap" and to make them work is capable of intellectual work.
Medical facilities
The best medical means for removing alcohol from the body:

Of the simplest medical devices, you can name glycerin. If you dilute one bottle of the drug with saline in a proportion of 1: 2, you can fool the body and make him believe that this is quickly withdrawn  alcohol medicine for a drunkenness. Take the composition 2-3 times during the entire waking period of 30-50 ml. The same effect will have succinic acid.
The question of how much alcohol is released usually occurs only in the morning. Depending on the dosage taken and your own weight, this can take up to a day or more and all this time the body will be intoxicated. Help to eliminate its effects can activated charcoal, which must be taken three times a day at the rate of 1 black pill per 10 kg of weight. With the function of coal will cope with "Lactofiltrum", "Enterosgel", "Polyphon", "Polysorb-MP". It should be remembered that the interval between the intake of sorbents and other medicines should be at least 1 hour.
Alcohol is eliminated from the body slowly enough, and in order not to delay this process, it is necessary to rinse the stomach by taking a solution of manganese. With indomitable vomiting, "Cerucal" is shown.
With a severe headache, you can take "Analgin" or "No-show", but "Aspirin" is not recommended to drink, as it strongly irritates the already inflamed walls of the stomach. Instead, you can take "Aspirin cardio" and support the heart.
It must be remembered that the liver is now under enormous pressure and can be supported with the help of such preparations as "Oversold", "Essential Forte", "Oliver".
Help for folk remedies
Neutralizing the effect of poisonous and toxin-containing products is capable of milk. It is necessary to drink it a little during the day. If there is no milk, you can use cucumber brine. The hot first dish in this state will be the most - and nutritionally and healthily. Quickly withdraw the components of alcohol will allow the infusion of dog rose, for its preparation you will need:

dog-rose fruit;
Stages of preparation:

Rosehip in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. crush and put in a thermos bottle.
Pour 1 liter of freshly boiled water and leave for at least a couple of hours.
Take fractional during the whole period of wakefulness.
Here is another recipe for the preparation of a curative remedy for a hangover, for which you will need:

Stages of preparation:

To withdraw alcohol from the body will take more than one hour, so do not delay the "business in the long box" and necessarily rinse the stomach.
After in a glass of water, add 4-5 drops of alcohol and drink at a time.
Do advertising tools help?
The fact that advertising is the engine of trade, few people do not know. But are all the advertising tools really as good as they seem at first glance?

One of the most highly advertised products from a hangover and withdrawal of an abstinence syndrome is "Zorex". It contains initial, which has detoxification properties. him how much does alcohol go? recommend to take with serious poisoning, including alcohol, but here's the metamorphosis: with liver diseases, it can not be taken, but they are most often accompanied by alcoholism. Of secondary importance with the same effect, one can note povidone and colloidal silicon dioxide. Calcium pantothenate is nothing more than vitamin B5. It speeds up metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the heart.

From all of the above, we can conclude that "Zorex" can be used for a hangover, but only occasionally, since it does not work for the treatment of long drinking-bouts. In addition, many users note the development of allergic reactions after its use.

Alcohol completely disappears from the body in a day, but in order not to wait that long, you can drink two tablets of "Alcozelzer". This drug has been produced since the 30s of the last century without changing the composition, so do not rely heavily on its miraculous effect: there are no supernatural components in it. It consists of citric acid, aspirin and baking soda. If you take "Aspirin cardio", brew your own tea with lemon and drink mineral water or "Region", then you can do without "Alcozelzer".

This drug contains acetylsalicylic acid, glycine, citric acid and sodium hydrogen carbonate. The first is aspirin, the last component is ordinary soda. Glycine can always be purchased at the pharmacy and separately. It will calm the nervous system and help you sleep. As you can see, the composition of such a medicine is not as special as anything, but the side effects have a lot. First of all it causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and pain in the epigastric region. By its use, allergic reactions are possible, and with prolonged use, ulcer, papillary necrosis, edema, renal and heart failure often develop.

Alcohol in the blood lasts up to 24 hours or more, so before you get treated with such drugs, it is worth thinking about, and even better - taking appropriate medications before the upcoming party, well, the ideal solution is not to drink at all. Then you will not have to suffer the next day. Be healthy!

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