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Folk treatment of periodontal disease of teeth and gums

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The parodontium is the tissue that holds the tooth. These are gums , mucous membranes, ligaments and bones. Periodontal disease causes inflammation of the surrounding soft tissue. As a result, the bone tissue of the wells is destroyed, the neck of the teeth is exposed and reacts to too cold or hot food.

Without treatment, a person can lose teeth, which is what happens in older people. According to the WHO, the signs of periodontitis are noted in all adult inhabitants of the planet and 80% of children.

Diet for periodontal disease
Proper nutrition plays a huge role in the prevention and treatment of the disease. Only with healthy food a person receives the necessary substances: vitamins, minerals, fiber, prebiotics and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The disadvantage immediately affects the health of the teeth, so it is important to include in the diet:

vegetables and fruits . Solid food acts as a "simulator" for gums and dental tissue. The load they create strengthens bones, soft tissues undergo massage, which hardens them and makes them stronger. The main thing is to thoroughly chew food and evenly distribute the load throughout the oral cavity. Do not forget how much these gifts of nature are rich in vitamins, so the benefits of using them will be double;
dairy products and sour milk . They contain calcium, which strengthens bone tissue. In addition to cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, yogurt, cheese and milk, the mineral is found in large quantities in garlic, pistachios, almonds, barley and oatmeal, peas and walnuts;
polyunsaturated fatty acids . They are rich in sea slaves and seafood, vegetable oil, avocados, almonds and peanuts;
daily green tea and freshly squeezed juices must be present on the menu , and it is also useful to brew herbal teas, especially hawthorn, blueberry, sage, celandine, St. John's wort, Gotu kola and use not only for eating, but also rinsing.
Periodontal disease at home

From what products it is necessary to refuse:

sweets and muffins . Do not carry chips and crisps. Some sweets, for example, marmalade, get stuck in the cavities of the teeth and the interdental space, contributing to the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria and the destruction of enamel;
beverages rich in dyes , as well as coffee and black tea, which contribute to covering the teeth with a touch.
Prevention of periodontal disease
To prevent thinning of the peri-gum dental tissue is easier than to treat, therefore, attention is paid to prevention. Here are the measures that are recommended for doing the house:

regular grooming procedures behind the oral cavity. Periodontal disease of the gums, causing them to itch and blanching of the color, may be a consequence of insufficient hygiene. The brush should be chosen with medium stiff bristles so that the back side can clean the tongue and massage the gums. Change it should be a maximum of 1 time in 3 months, but it is better to do this every month. Toothpaste in the arsenal should be not one, but several, so that they can be alternated;
after a meal rinse your mouth and use dental floss;
Parodontosis of teeth will recede if garlic, honey, sauerkraut, beetroot and sea buckthorn oil are regularly eaten. They strengthen the tooth enamel and reduce the friability of the gums. On their basis, you can prepare and healing herbs and infusions.
Periodontal disease of the gums

Folk recipes
The treatment of periodontal disease should be controlled by a doctor, but at home you can use traditional recipes, time-tested, which can accelerate recovery.

Therapy with propolis solution
To prepare you will need:

fresh and natural propolis - 100 g;
0.5 liters of vodka. If there is alcohol, then you can use it, but dilute.
Stages of preparation :

Pour the bee products with alcoholic liquids and insist in a dark, not very heated place for 14 days.
It can be used to make compresses: moisten a cotton swab and apply to the gums for the night or at least a couple of hours.
You can add 5-7 drops for cleaning your teeth in the usual way.
And to rinse in 50 ml of warm water, you should dissolve 5 drops of tincture and use it for the intended purpose twice a week.
The same tincture can be prepared on the basis of calamus, elecampane or immortelle.

Traditional treatment of periodontitis involves the preparation of horseradish tincture.

Parodontosis treatment at home

Horseradish tincture
To do this, you need :

cleaned horseradish root;
a glass container with a capacity of 0.5 liters;
boiling water.
Stages of preparation :

Horseradish rub. The resulting product in a volume of 250 g should be placed in a jar and poured over with only boiling water.
Wait until it cools, and, after typing in your mouth, rinse, and then swallow the solution. This complex means not only strengthens the gums, but also disinfects the oral cavity and has a beneficial effect on the blood vessels.
Treatment with pine needles
Fresh pine needles, necessarily green and elastic, can provide significant support during the treatment of this ailment.

Before use, they should be washed, put a small handful into the mouth and chew until they lose their taste.
Cake removed from the mouth and discarded. Repeat the procedure twice a day until complete recovery.
That's all about the therapy of periodontal disease in the home. Take care of your teeth and gums, visit the dentist regularly and then you can chew your food until your old age.

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