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People's remedies for mosquitoes - fighting at home

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Standing water is a favorable place for the reproduction of mosquitoes - there insects lay eggs. Add the coffee grounds to the standing water, then the eggs will rise to the surface and lose oxygen. So they die, and you prevent the reproduction of bloodsuckers.

Mosquito bites are no less than bites of horseflies. Combing the swollen place can bring an infection. National and domestic means will help to avoid consequences.

How to prevent mosquitoes
There is an opinion that mosquitoes do not tolerate yellow. If yellow clothing does not help get rid of annoying insects, use effective home methods of getting rid of mosquitoes.

Tighten the openings
A simple way to prevent the appearance of mosquitoes in the house is to tighten the windows and windows with mosquito nets. Balcony doors curtains, and ventilation holes - gauze.

The plus of this method is that mosquitoes do not penetrate the house. But if you tightened the opening at the moment when the mosquitoes were in the room - you have to get rid of them in other ways.

Folk remedies for mosquitoes

We use smells
Mosquitoes do not tolerate the smells of elderberry, bird cherry, geranium, chamomile and basil. Branches and bunches of herbs with a frightening odor spread over the rooms, then mosquitoes do not fly into the room.

The smell of seedlings of tomatoes also helps to get rid of bloodsuckers. They do not tolerate the aroma of the tomato leaves. Plant seedlings under the windows, on the balcony or on the windowsill - the desire to fly into the room at the mosquito will disappear immediately.

We include electrofumigators
The active substance of the fumigators can be dry - applied to the plate, or liquid - in the vial. When evaporation of the active substance, toxic fumes are released. Mosquitoes stop biting after 15 minutes, and after 2 hours they die.

The downside of the method is that for a person toxic fumes are harmful, therefore it is possible to use electrofumigators only when the windows are open.

If the liquid in the electric fumigator evaporates, add the eucalyptus extract - the effect will be the same.

Home remedies for mosquitoes

A quick way to get rid of mosquitoes
To drive out quickly from the premises of the flies of mosquitoes will help the smoke of camphor. Pour the camphor onto a heated frying pan, and mosquitoes will quickly leave the house. For a person, the smoke is safe, but for mosquitoes it is fatal.

How to scare away mosquitoes on the street
Treat open areas of the body with the finished products in the form of an emulsion, lotion or cream.

If you do not have such a drug at hand, use fish oil or prepare a decoction from the roots of wormwood.

Broth from wormwood
Handful of roots pour 1.5 liters. water and boil.
Infuse for 1 hour and process the accessible areas of the body.
Vanilla Spray
In 1 liter. water dissolve 1 vanilla sachet.
Pour the solution into a spray and treat the body.
Cream with vanilla from mosquitoes can be prepared in the proportion of 1 gr. vanilla to 10 gr. baby cream.

Vanilla spray and cream last for about 2 hours, then apply the solution on the skin again. Do not use vanilla sugar - sweets attract mosquitoes and midges.

Mosquito spray

In 1 glass of water, add 1 bag of dried cloves .
Boil for 3 minutes.
Cool and mix with cologne.
Treat exposed skin from mosquitoes.
Effective clove oil. Drip it on clothes, a stroller, process a tent - mosquitoes will not approach to a smell.

Open the torso with a moister. According to experienced summer residents, mosquitoes do not fly close after the procedure.

How to get rid of mosquitoes at home
Folk remedies for mosquitoes are harmless to humans. This explains the popularity of their application.

Squash 4-6 cloves of garlic and boil them in a glass of water for 5-7 minutes.
Fill the product into the atomizer and spray in the room.
Lavender oil
Mosquitoes hate the smell of lavender oil. To get rid of mosquitoes at home, the method will help: spray oil in the room, and mosquitoes leave the room after 30 minutes.

Remedies for mosquitoes

Homemade Tape
An effective home remedy for mosquitoes is duct tape. Make it at home is easy.

On the paper tape, apply gelatinous or starchy glue and pour on it a crushed basil or leaves of bird cherry.
Change the tape every 24 hours.
Tea tree oil
Add 4 drops of oil to the evaporator. Mosquitoes disappear after 30-40 minutes.
Apply tea tree oil to the skin. So you will protect yourself from mosquito bites.
How to reduce mosquito itching
To bite quickly passed, it must be processed. Anointing mosquito bites will help folk remedies.

Soda is the best helper
In 1 cup warm boiled water add 2 tsp. soda .
Every hour, treat the bite with the product.
Soda from mosquitoes helps quickly. After the evening treatment of the bite in the morning, the itching stops.

Alcohol Compress
Dampen napkins with any of the suggested means from mosquitoes: cologne, ammonia, ethyl alcohol, cold water.
Place on the bite and hold for 7 minutes.
Folk remedies for mosquitoes

Cut the lemon in half and wipe half the place of the bite.
Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.
Soothing herbs
On the affected area, attach the inside of a feather of a green onion, fresh leaves of a plantain or a small layer of cosmetic clay. Hold for 5 minutes;
Shredded leaves of bird-cherry, mint and parsley, hold the bite for 7 minutes.
Cold reduces the spread of inflammation and grows dumb in the bite area, providing relief.

Wrap the ice in a towel and attach to the affected area for 10-15 minutes. This will relieve swelling and reduce itching.
Treat bites with potassium permanganate or zelenok. Zelenka helps faster.
Lubricate the affected area with curdled milk or kefir.
If the itching continues to bother for 12 hours, make a lotion with furatsilinom from the bite of mosquitoes:

Add 2 tablets of furacilin in 1 cup of boiled warm water.
Place in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
Attach a moistened swab to the itch.
If the place of the bite is very inflamed and does not pass more than a day, contact an allergist or dermatologist for advice.

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