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How to soar feet - recommendations for adults and children

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The traditional folk procedure used in ARVI allows you to quickly get rid of the disease. We will understand in which cases it is shown to soar your feet in hot water, and when the procedure is contraindicated.

Indications and Benefits
The benefits of the procedure are obvious in ARVI. The warming of the feet increases blood circulation. Expansion of the vessels in the zone of the lower limbs draws blood, stagnant in the respiratory organs, and accelerates the withdrawal of toxins. As a result, the swelling of the mucous membranes subsides, the patient's condition is relieved.

You can resort to folk treatment under the following conditions:

Cough . The dry type of cough goes into the wet one.
Coryza . The procedure reduces mucus secretion, facilitates breathing, eliminates itching in the nasal passages.
Fatigue . A bath with a temperature of 37-40 degrees relaxes the muscles, eliminates the "buzz" in the legs.
Insomnia . The warming of the feet calms the nervous nerves.
Corn . The warming of the feet will ensure easy removal of defects without pain.
Subcooling . The procedure accelerates blood, raising body temperature.
Fungus . Baths for feet with medicinal additives destroy pathogenic microorganisms.
Soar your feet

Before you soar, you will become acquainted with the contraindications to the procedure.

Contraindications and dangerous consequences
You can not soar your feet during pregnancy. Hot water dilates the vessels of the uterus, which is fraught with organ contractions. In later terms, the procedure provokes childbirth, at early stages leads to miscarriage.
It is forbidden to soar legs with varicose veins. The influx of blood to the legs expands the veins, worsening the patient's condition.
Do not soar your feet at a temperature above 38 degrees. Acceleration of blood flow causes a sharp temperature jump.
You can not soar your feet in hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Acceleration of blood flow increases the heart rate.
It is dangerous to soar your feet with menstruation. The influx of blood to the uterus causes profuse bleeding.
Do not go out for 3-4 hours after the procedure. A sudden change in temperature will destroy the heating effect.

Soar your feet in hot water

Parim feet correctly
The procedure will require:

A bucket or a bath. The procedure is performed correctly if the water reaches the knees or to the middle of the shins.
Hot water. With colds and overcooling - 40-42 degrees, with other indications - 37-40.
The ladle. It is necessary for the pouring of water.
Healing supplements.
Woolen socks.
A phased scheme, how to soar your feet:

Water with a temperature of 38-39 degrees is poured into a container.
They sit next to the tank and lower their legs into it.
Every 2-3 minutes, pour boiling water to raise the water temperature to 40-42 degrees.
The procedure lasts a quarter of an hour.
At the end of the foot, they get wet with a towel, put on woolen socks and go to bed.
How to soar your legs

How to soar children's feet
To hover the legs of a child is allowed from 4-5 years. Additives are used cautiously - an allergic reaction is possible. Aggressive additives will cause skin irritation, apply only herbal decoctions, saline solutions.

To soar a child's legs when coughing is indicated with a dry symptom. At a bronchitis to the child soar legs if temperature subfebrile.

At the bottom of the tank, put a towel - the effect of massage will be created. The procedure time is 5-10 minutes.

To steam a child's legs in a bath is necessary by the same rules as in an ordinary basin. If the legs are hovering in the pelvis, the baby is wrapped up in a plaid. Mom keeps a baby from getting burned.

Having figured out how to soar your legs, let's consider what additives are used for a positive result.

Healing Supplements
Let's consider, than it is better to soar feet.

Herbal decoctions . They use chamomile, sage, mint. To soar legs with herbs is indicated in ARVI. The quality of the procedure does not affect these additives. But broths give the effect of inhalation, while warming up, making breathing easier.
Mustard . This method combines two common ones - warming up and setting up mustard plasters. Soar with mustard is shown in ARVI, a decrease in immunity. A liter of water is taken with a tablespoon of powder. If you need to soar your baby's legs, dosage is reduced to half a tablespoon.
Salt . Relaxes the muscles of the legs, restores blood circulation, removes puffiness. It's easy to soar feet with salt - a handful of sea salt is added to the container with water.
Vinegar . Relaxes, heals the fungus, softens the calluses, eliminates the smell of sweat. Use a 6% solution of apple cider vinegar. Soar your feet in water 40-45 degrees. Take a glass of water for 2 liters of water.
Soda . Warming with soda relieves fatigue, relieves the smell of sweat, softens calluses, replaces inhalations that are useful in inflammation of the larynx. For 2 liters of water take 2 tablespoons.
Hydrogen peroxide. Softens the calluses and keratinous layer of the skin, eliminates the smell of sweat, heals the fungus, heals cracks. Reheating with hydrogen peroxide lasts 5-10 minutes. For 1.5 liters of water take 3-4 tablespoons of peroxide.
Performing the procedure correctly using healing supplements, heals the disease, increases immunity and achieves an attractive kind of legs.

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