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Folk remedies for ticks

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Folk remedies for ticks for humans and animals are available for cooking at home. The role of the active ingredient in them is performed by a natural repellent.

The means used to protect against ticks are divided according to the method of exposure:

repellents - repel ticks;
acaricides - neutralize insects (they paralyze, destroy them);
insecticide-repellent - double action.
Protection for adults
Essential oils have a sharp and pungent smell, so they repel insects, including ticks. Effective in fighting mites the following smells:

Bay oil;
Cedar oil;
Protection by folk remedies implies the presence of one or more flavors from the list as a basic component, and auxiliary substances. Alcohol acting as an emulsifier (promotes the mixing of oil and water) or vinegar, added to enhance odors, make such home remedies for mites suitable for adults.

Folk remedies for ticks

Spray based on alcohol
Ingredients :

essential oil of geranium (or palmarosa) - 2 tsp;
alcohol - 2 teaspoons;
water - 1 glass.
Preparation and use:

Mix the ingredients in a jar with the lid closed.
Store the vial for up to 6 months and use as needed.
Use with a sprayer, spraying clothes, and exposed skin.
Spray on the basis of vinegar

essential oil of mint or eucalyptus - 10-15 drops;
table vinegar - 4 teaspoons;
water - 2 tsp.
Preparation and use:

Mix the ingredients in a jar with the lid closed.
Store the vial for up to 6 months and use as needed.
Use with a sprayer, spraying open skin areas and clothing.
Valerian cologne

Valerian drops - 10-15 drops;
cologne - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
Preparation and use:

Mix the ingredients in a jar with the lid closed.
Store the vial for up to 6 months and use as needed.
To use, moisten the cotton swab with a solution and rub open skin.
Soap star

apple cider vinegar - 50 ml;
liquid soap -10 ml;
water - 200 ml;
ointment-oil "Asterisk" - on the tip of the knife.
Preparation and use:

In a vial with a closing lid, mix all the ingredients. Shake until a uniform mixture is obtained.
To protect against insects, while walking, lubricate the exposed areas of the body.
Fragrant gel with oils

gel or cream with aloe vera - 150 ml;
essential oil of lavender - 20 drops;
essential oil of geranium - 20 drops;
vegetable oil - 300 ml.
Preparation and use:

In a container with a closing lid, mix the gel (cream) with aloe vera and vegetable oil. Shake until a uniform mass is obtained.
Add the essential oils to the resulting mixture. Mix thoroughly again.
A large portion of the product is obtained, it is stored for up to 6 months and used as needed.
To protect against ticks, apply cream oil to the exposed areas of the skin: arms, legs, neck.
Protection for children
Folk remedies to protect children from ticks should be gentle, non-irritating to the skin, without sharp odors, so they do not use alcohol, vinegar or colognes.

Pleasant for a person, but frightening off for blood-sucking insects are the following flavors, on the basis of which children's remedies are made that repel mites:

essential oil of tea tree;
essential oil of geranium;
sweet almond oil;
cloves culinary;
Before preparing protective equipment, ensure that there are no allergies or individual intolerance to the child of the components used.

Folk remedies for ticks for children

Spray with tea tree oil
For production you will need:

essential oil of tea tree - 10-15 drops;
water - 50 ml.
Preparation and use:

Mix the ingredients in the vial with the lid closed.
This mixture is stratified. Before each use, it must be thoroughly shaken.
To use, moisten a cotton swab or palm with a solution and rub open skin areas of the child, hair. You can also sprinkle the solution with clothing.
Soap with tea tree oil
For production you will need:

essential oil of tea tree - 10-15 drops,
soybean oil - 5-10 ml;
shower gel / liquid soap - 30 ml.
Preparation and use:

Mix soybean oil and a detergent (gel or liquid soap) in a container.
Add the essential oil, mix thoroughly.
Use as a detergent, taking a shower before and after walking outdoors.
Almond oil
For manufacturing it is necessary:

Almond oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
essential oil of geranium - 15-20 drops.
Preparation and use:

Mix almond oil and geranium essential oil until smooth.
Pour the mixture into a dark vessel. In this form, the tool is stored for up to 6 months and is used as needed.
A few drops of the mixture wipe open skin.
Clove broth
For production you will need:

cloves (culinary) - 1h. a spoon;
water - 200 ml.
Preparation and use:

Cloves mixed with water, put on fire and bring to a boil.
Leave to brew for at least 8 hours.
Decoction of a clove moisten a cotton swab and process open areas of the body before going out into the open space.
"Sweet water"
For production you need:

vanillin - 2 g;
water - 1 liter.
Preparation and use:

Vanillin mixed with water, put on fire and bring to a boil.
Allow the solution to cool.
Decoction moisten the cotton swab and treat open areas of the body to repel insects.
Folk methods of protection against mites do not last long, therefore they require repeated application every 1.5-2 hours, and do not give 100% protection. Be careful when walking with children.

Protection for animals
It is important, being on the nature in a season of activity of ticks, to protect from bites both a family, and favorites: cats, dogs. The remedies that scare off mites in dogs for humans are not suitable because of their specific odor for humans.

To such "aromas", on the basis of which people's remedies for mites for dogs are made, include:

Garlic (strong smell);
Means against mites for dogs, cats and other animals with their own hands to do just as easy as for people.

Folk remedies for ticks for dogs

Wormwood "perfume"
To make a "fragrant" mixture you need:

dried leaves of wormwood - 20 g. or wormwood fresh - 50 g,
Preparation and use:

Wormwood finely chopped, pour 2 glasses of water.
Put on a fire and bring to a boil.
Cool the resulting broth, pour into a container with a spray and sprinkle the animal's fur.
Garlic "perfume"
For manufacturing it is necessary:

garlic - 2-3 cloves;
Preparation and use:

Peel the garlic, chop it in a griddle or on a grater.
Pour 3 glasses of water.
Stir the mixture for at least 8 hours.
Lubricate the animal's fur before leaving in places inaccessible to licking!
Garlic is toxic for mites and for dogs, so to protect against blood-sucking insects, lubricate the coat on the back and withers of the animal.

Degtyarnye "perfume"
For production you will need:

water - 1 glass;
Essential oils, each 2 drops (grapefruit, thyme, oregano, juniper, myrrh);
tar soap.
Preparation and use:

Grind soap grated soap.
Mix the ingredients in a vial until smooth.
Use before going out into the open territory: spray the animal with the fur.
Vanilla tincture
For production you will need:

vanillin -2 g;
vodka - 100 ml.
Preparation and use:

Mix vanillin and vodka.
Put in a cool place to infuse for at least 7 days.
Before leaving the dog, grease the belly, the paws and the withers of the animal with the resulting solution.
Fragrant collar
To prepare, you need 15-20 drops of essential oil (against the ticks from the list above).


With essential oil, spread the dog collar around the perimeter.
Use such a strong-smelling collar only in the open air.
Carefully watch that the selected aromatic oil is not allergenic for the animal and does not cause him irritation.
Remember that protecting dogs from ticks is short-lived. Funds are eroded in the open air, wiped out by animals against plants and washed away in water. They should be applied every 2-3 hours.

In addition, it is important for owners of dogs to know that not all ticks are suitable for puppies because of a sharp odor or toxic composition.

Prophylaxis against ticks
In addition to active methods of protection against ticks, there are preventive methods that should be followed.

When leaving the forest, wear tight clothes with a long sleeve and use pants instead of shorts, high shoes and a hat.

Choose for the rest ventilated glades, away from the pond and dense tall grass.

Be attentive and check open areas of the body on sucking insects every 1.5-2 hours.

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