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Cedar tincture - benefit, harm and cooking recipes

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Cedar tincture of nuts based on alcohol, vodka or moonshine is an example. The difference between drinks is not very noticeable. The alcohol is characterized by high rates of extraction of nutrients through the shell of the nut. Fortress cedar tincture on vodka is lower, but the taste is more pleasant.

Tincture based on cedar seeds with vodka externally and to taste like cognac. But do not abuse a useful drink, because the purpose of cedar tincture is medicinal and preventive.

Benefits of cedar tincture
For the manufacture of cedar tincture, seeds (nuts) of cedar are used, less often - unpeeled cones with nuts. Drink for medicinal and preventive purposes.

Treatment of gastritis and ulcers

The use of cedar tincture is manifested in the prevention and treatment of gastritis and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. Pine nuts contain fatty acids and oily ingredients. They envelop the stomach and improve the condition of the digestive tract.

Elimination of salts and return of joint mobility

The use of cedar tincture is recommended for people with salt deposits in the joints. Tincture removes excess salts from the body and at the same time returns mobility to the joints.

Tincture on pine nuts

Fighting infectious and colds

Tincture on cedar cones is used to prevent and treat infectious and catarrhal diseases. The property is manifested due to the vitamins and minerals that make up the nuts. The alcohol base of the tincture has a warming effect on the body.

Relaxation of the symptoms of rheumatism

In the number of useful properties of cedar tincture is the struggle with rheumatism and easing of pain during exacerbations due to the effect on joints of active components.

Skin tightening and skin treatment

Use cedar tincture can be for external use, for example, treat skin damage. Regular application of cedar tincture will help the wound to heal more quickly, as well as disinfect the skin.

Restoration of auditory and visual functions

Cedar tincture on moonshine is useful for hearing or visual impairment. It partially restores auditory and visual functions.

Tincture on cedar cones

Strengthening the male forces and potency

A useful property of cedar tincture is the strengthening of male strength and potency due to the vitamin composition.

Harm of cedar tincture
Tincture of cedar seeds, like other home-made tincture, is harmful only in case of excessive consumption inside.

Benefits and harms of cedar tincture depend on compliance with the prescription of the doctor. It is not recommended to apply cedar tincture when:

aversion or intolerance to alcohol;
allergic reactions to tincture components;
contraindications to alcohol consumption;
liver diseases;
use of drugs that are not compatible with alcoholic beverages;
breastfeeding (due to alcohol and tannins);
age younger than 18 years (small doses under the supervision of parents are allowed).
Application of cedar tincture
Tincture of pine nuts - a solution for those who do not like nuts of cedar, but wants to benefit from the drink. Tincture is taken with infectious diseases, against inflammation and to strengthen the body. This is due to natural origin and natural composition.

Therapeutic cedar tincture is used inside and for syringing or applying. The healing properties of cedar tincture depend on the method of manufacture and the basis. Since the basis of the drink is vodka , moonshine or alcohol, the tincture is used as a medicinal product, and as an addition to the festive table.

Cedar tincture on vodka has contraindications. This is an individual intolerance to ingredients and an allergy to ingredients.

Recipes of tincture
Recipe with peeled nuts . 40 grams of nuts pour vodka or alcohol in a volume of 0.5 liters and put in a glass container. For 40 days, keep the tincture in a dark place, and mix every three days. After a while, strain the tincture. Take as recommended by your doctor.
Recipe with uncooked nuts . 500 grams of uncooked pine nuts pour alcohol, and after 2 weeks to check for the presence of nuclei inside. The tincture is ready for use, if at cracking the nut inside there is no kernel.
Recipe with mashed nuts . Nuts of cedar carefully razomnite, then pour vodka or alcohol 5 centimeters above the level of nuts. After a week, tincture, strain, pour into glassware and eat.
Be creative at creation - and you will become the keeper of your own recipe for making cedar tincture.

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