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Benefit and harm of birch tar

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Birch tar is a product produced by dry rectification of birch bark. And still there is a birch tar, which is extracted from a young birch bark. The process of obtaining the last product is more laborious, but it turns out to be clean, with a pleasant smell and is more suitable for internal treatment.

Benefits of tar from birch
It must be said that an originally considered Russian tree with characteristic dark marks on a light trunk can benefit a person not only extracted from the bark of tar, but with juice, leaves, and kidneys.

Our ancestors in ancient times noticed that glue, obtained from birch bark and used in the preparation of weapons for hunting, has a bactericidal, antipruritic, regenerative and absorbable effect.

The benefit of a product such as birch tar is in its composition. Scientists have found in it useful gums, phytoncides, organic acids, toluene, phenol, dihydroxybenzene.

Birch tar

However, birch tar can bring not only benefits, but also harm, however, like any other product. Much depends on the method of administration and the dose. To date, his ability to normalize blood pressure , stimulate metabolism, eliminate ulcers, fight skin diseases, including fungi, accelerate the regeneration of cells and much more.

Harm of birch tar
All useful substances in birch tar are highly concentrated, therefore, to minimize the harm, it is recommended to dilute this product with water or other means, depending on the nature of the problem.

Treatment with birch tar is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, people with allergies to essential oils.

Whoever has kidney ailments - it is recommended that you first get a consultation from your doctor. But even those who managed to get the first positive results in treatment should not, at their discretion, exceed the dosage, increase the exposure time and apply the undiluted product in cases not specified in the prescription.

Birch tar oil

Application of birch tar
The use of such a product as birch tar is incredibly wide. First of all, it is used in the therapy of skin ailments - psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, mycosis of the feet, itching.

Vishnevsky's ointment and Wilkinson's ointment familiar to everyone are made on the basis of the product of dry distillation of birch bark. Because it makes the soap , tar water, essential oil.

Berestovy tar when used inside is diluted with water or milk and helps to cope with the consequences of atherosclerosis, genitourinary diseases, mastopathy, bronchial and lung diseases, and also destroys worms.

The procedure for cleaning with birch tar is very popular. As a result, the skin is renewed, acne and inflammation disappear, the color becomes more natural. The peristalsis of the intestine is normalized, the joints cease to ache and bother excessive sweating.

Birch tar application

Here are some recipes for the preparation of medicinal ointments and tinctures:

in the therapy of the upper respiratory tract, tar is used in the amount of 1 tbsp. l., diluted in 1 liter of water for adults and milk - for children. To consume 1 tbsp. l. before going to bed;
for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of internal organs, phytotherapists advise eating a piece of rye bread with a few drops of the drug for the night. You need to start with 5 drops, every day increasing this volume by 1 drop. After reaching 10 drops, start to decrease, every day reducing the dosage by 1 drop and thus reach the original 5 drops. The course of treatment is 24 days. The same method will help get rid of worms;
to combat psoriasis should be connected to 1 tbsp. l. butter on cream and tar, adding half of 1 tbsp. l. copper sulphate. Put on the stove and, stirring, to torment the minutes. 5. Use as directed once a day, and store in the refrigerator;
To treat genitourinary ailments dry baths are recommended. Take half of the brick, heat it and throw it into the bucket. Drip a couple drops of the product by dry distilling the birch bark and sit on a bucket without underwear. The time of the procedure is 15-20 minutes and it should be done before bedtime. Thus it is possible to cure hemorrhoids.
This is a miracle remedy for all diseases. You should have it in your medicine cabinet and use it as needed. Good luck!

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